Wichita Dental Hygienists'
About WDHA
2023-2024 Board Members
President: May Phan
President-Elect: Brittany Tomlinson
Secretary: Ashton Cowling
Treasurer: Morgan Bergkamp
Component Rep: Brittany Tomlinson
The WDHA represents hygienists in Wichita and south central Kansas. We would like to invite all members and potential members from our surrounding communities to join in our continuing education courses and social events. Let's get connected!
The WDHA has donated $15,000 to Wichita State University's Dental Hygiene Program, establishing a scholarship endowment for students!
WDHA also donates to the WSU Dental Hygiene clinic each year after the Ethics course. *2017-$2,000 towards new cavitrons. *2018-$2500 towards new ultrasonic bath. *$600 to WSU SADHA for Diagnodent tips
$250 scholarship to a DH student at Flint Hills Technical College every year.
CE's are are free for members (excluding Ethics)
Please contact us if you have any recommendations or nominations for officers for the 2021-2022 WDHA Executive Council. You can email your resume to wichitahygienist@yahoo.com. Elections held every October/November.