Wichita Dental Hygienists'
Benefits of WDHA
ADHA Benefits
Receive Access Magazine
& the Journal of Dental Hygiene FREE! -
Discounts on Insurance:
Malpractice Ins.
Catastrophic Health Ins.
Individual Policies -
Reduced Rates on Geico Car Ins.
Reduced Rates on Car Rentals & Hotel stays
1 free (2hr) CE that WDHA hosts in the Fall starting in 2019S!
What We Do For You:
WDHA helps protect your rights as a Registered Dental Hygienist, keeping you informed at the local as well as state level.
WDHA,as component members of KDHA, help support ethics in dental hygiene care and monitor proposed changes to the Dental Practice Act in Kansas.
A portion of your ADHA dues provides support for our State lobbyist to represent & ensure our profession is preserved!
Being a member of the ADHA provides
professional support, not only for you, but to the profession of Dental Hygiene itself! Promote your profession by joining today!
We understand cost can be a factor; ADHA memberships can be paid yearly or quaterly! Quarterly payments make it easier to afford and many of our members have gone to this option!
Not a member?
Click Here to Join. By joining the American Dental Hygiene Association you are automatically registered for your state and local component. As a member you can belong to ANY component in the State.
National Headquarters
American Dental Hygienists' Association
444 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60611
General Phone: (312) 440-8900
Membership Related Inquiries: (312) 440-8900
Billing and dues questions: (312) 440-8900
Sharon Barnett sharonb@adha.net or (312) 440-8921
Taylour Foggie taylourf@adha.net or (312) 440-8900 ext 200
General membership benefits and website login/password reset
Member Engagement: member.services@adha.net or (312) 440-8931
Students/New Professionals Questions, Support and Rosters
Kelsey Turner: kelseyt@adha.net or (312) 440-8937